Sexy Man:

What do you do if your a music producer who has a fluke hit with the novelty girl group, The Ritchie Family?

You recycle that one novel idea into, The Village People then transfer that gay fantasy look back to the girl group.

I like to think that novelty act routine is responsible for 99% of today's pop music.

A man ahead of his time.


  1. I had this 8 track.....
    I was just a little boy, but clearly my mother should have known.

  2. The 8 track artwork is so much smaller than the album. Less to see and get excited about. I went from Disney records to Grace Jones and Sylvester. Mom's everywhere should've had a clue but I don't think they did back then with gay safety dancers on shows, etc. People could be flamboyant and no one had any idea. I didn't really get that Boy George was gay. Maybe it's that I didn't want him to be.

  3. Also the guy laying down on the album cover...I think he was Colt model.

  4. Gayer than Freddie Mercury and Elton John in the back of a pink Mini... Jx

  5. Pink Brief Man is the only one without a Tash...
    I think most of these guys were part of the Colt Stable...

  6. just listened to a new chic single that sounds like it's old.
    will anybody buy it?

    1. I heard it too.
      I'd buy it, but then I would.

  7. I can still hear the whistles and smell the locker room; I feel disco good.
