The Causeby Effect:

The Causeby Effect is a social behavior, similar in nature to the Ebola Effect that I instigated observed recently in a public situation that involved an innocent black individual coughing in a McDonald's, then panicked crowds recklessly stampeded for safety while muttering to themselves and others close by that, "He got the Ebola..."

The Causeby Effect is a new viral social behavior based on recent lurid details of Bill Cosby's sex life. Incidences and scenarios vary but an intended victim is given a drink and after a sip or two is then informed that, "You Just Been Bill Cosby'd..." A later Causeby Effect was observed when an older gentleman I ordered a, "Scotch and tonic and a 'Bill Cosby' for the twink..."


  1. As I understand it, double bagging is effective against Ebola. I'm not sure about the drink though.

  2. A Bill Cosby? Isn't that a Shirley Temple with a splash of ruffie?

  3. I haven't read all the lurid ins and outs of the story because I found the woman's name in question distracting, Tamara, I kept thinking of that song from Annie. "The sun'll come out... Tamara" and when you're a screaming homosexual you soon have the entire song and dance routine going around inside your head and it won't budge. They showed a picture of her wearing a compo face, she looks a scheming hussy if ever I saw one.

  4. sweet mary sunshine, sugar! xoxoxox

  5. Whatever you do, don't think about elephants...

  6. Not just Ebola but "The Ebola." YukYuk.

  7. Mary Christmas and a Happy New Year!
