Beauty Contest:

Nothing terribly sensational about a vintage beefcake bodybuilder contest. Except that I swiped these photos from a local blogger that I follow and whose father was a prolific photographer. He takes the old archived negatives and reprints them and then posts them on his blog. As far as I know I'm the only person who even visits. Anyway, I didn't ask permission to borrow these images so that we can ogle them on my not so family friendly haunt. I'm sure it's not that hard to track down my deceivery so I offer my apologies and thanks in advance.

Photo credits go to:

Click to embiggen and commence the ogling.


  1. Thank you, I really needed this!

    1. You're most welcome!

      I was thinking you might like this and low and behold...

  2. I wonder who got the trophy for Miss

    1. I think the big strapping one in the black bikini wins Most Congenital. He just stares off into space. Just the way I like them, big and stupid.

  3. Replies
    1. Most likely it was originally intended for the woman handing out the trophies who I'm sure is a gorilla without it. I suspect the boys found a bottle in her purse while they were trying to steal her makeup.

  4. I prefer the man wearing the black hot pants too. Elegant and timeless, you can work this look anytime of the day or night. I can't believe he only came third, maybe he should have enhanced his package and popped a couple of day old kittens down the front of his hot pants. As in the words of the great Susan Boyle "If you've got it, flaunt it" and she should know.

    1. Isn't he fabulous. I wonder if he's still around town? He would be just about the right age for me now...
