I Don’t Think Any Of You Suffer As I Do:

The return of a holiday favorite,

Paper Doll Theater’s classic, “Christmas with Liz Taylor”.

Christmas with Elizabeth Taylor can’t be easy but what happens when Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds show up?

Tune in to find out and watch as hilarity ensues...


  1. Darling, it's the high point of the season. Thank you, thank you for sharing such genius.

  2. I didn't think I could love you any more than I already did, and then you go and show us this.

  3. I’m currently reading ‘How to Be a Movie Star: Elizabeth Taylor in Hollywood” so I can tell you that your production is exactly how it happened.

    Is Jo Jo related to Mitzi’s maid Carmen?

  4. Love this!! I've met Debbie Reynolds. She was great in person. During her show, she sang "Tammy." I loved it!

  5. A classic!
    I'm glad to see its return. It should be shown every year like Rudolph!

  6. I remember this from last time. Jo-Jo reminds me of the light fingered maid we had at the Flamingo Hilton who I caught rooting around in my wash bag!

  7. THIS was 5-stars! I am enthralled by the creativity and ability to make it happen. BRAVO!

    Thanks for sharing this! Made my night! (and inspired me, too!)
