Icky Gay Profiles:

Don't mean to be too cruel but if you go to all the trouble of creating a profile on a gay chat service, PICK UP your nasty place before taking a picture. I don't think every gay man was born with the queer eye, or has good taste but come on who are you trying to attract here, The Health Department?

This lovely image of Grizzlybear50 comes from the great state of Missouri or The Show Me State, show me what, your bedroom that hasn't seen a trick in years?

Pillow strewn mismatched polyester linens.
Fluorescent fuchsia storage tubs (probably filled with valuable vintage porn and sex toys).
Jumble crammed furniture and dirty laundry piled atop the TV.
Grizzlybear50 proudly displaying his naughty parts right in the middle.

Eww what an ugly room, I’ll be right over, Grizzlybear50’s room looks more like Grizzlymurder.

Scott Said...
Kinda funny that the guy looks like C. Everett Koop

Mitzi Said...
Grizzlybear50 had his own business, a new age shop called Willow the Wisp, where he sells incense burners, crystals, relaxation CDs of whales and dolphins, he even has an assortment of exotic herbs and spices all designed to soothe the senses and calm the nerves. However, back at his tiny bedsit, he has decorated his room with the sole intentions of destroying the optic nerves of any of his gentlemen callers, some may say it has a certain charm, a mix-match of checked fabrics and bright pink storage tubs to liven things up. The white walls are a saving grace but they accentuate his clutter giving the appearance of a lived in look, but more often than not his gentlemen callers go back home to their wives with a blazing headache.


  1. Kinda funny that the guy looks like C. Everett Koop

  2. Grizzlybear50 had his own business, a new age shop called Willow the Wisp, where he sells incense burners, crystals, relaxation CDs of whales and dolphins, he even has an assortment of exotic herbs and spices all designed to soothe the senses and calm the nerves. However, back at his tiny bedsit, he has decorated his room with the sole intentions of destroying the optic nerves of any of his gentlemen callers, some may say it has a certain charm, a mix-match of checked fabrics and bright pink storage tubs to liven things up. The white walls are a saving grace but they accentuates his clutter giving the appearance of a lived in look, but more often than not his gentlemen callers go back home to their wives with a blazing headache.

  3. and he was a horrible lover.
