Christmas Sofas:

It looks like Santa will be delivering a lot of new sofas for Christmas this year.


  1. What part of the great state of Florida do you live in, anyway? JK. Actually, that's the new custom: leaving a sofa out on the curb for Santa so that when he parks his ass on it for a nap you can steal more toys out of his bag. Tis the season, y'all!

  2. greta pics! i love broken things!

  3. It must be the same the whole world over, my mother has just ordered a new suite in green leather, I know! I too dread to think what it looks like, she doesn't like the tasteful Laura Ashley cream fabric one she bought a couple of years ago.

  4. Ray – I live in the trashy part of Florida. Oh wait that would be the whole state. Actually it’s not Santa’s toys I want when I find him asleep on my Christmas Trash Sofa in front of my house.

    Reavis – I love broken things too, most of my ex-boyfriends and relationships were broken. In fact all of the things in my house were dragged in off the street.

    Mitzi – It seems like yesterday that we had a conversation about your Mothers new Laura Ashley sofa suite and the pros and cons of antimacassar usage. She must change her sofas as often as you go on holiday. Smart gal as sofas soil and can collect germs and dust mites very easily.

  5. I know, doesn't time fly? My mother still mourns her old Chesterfield you know. She really cherished that couch she misses the polishing of it with saddle soap on a weekly basis.
