How to buy a green sofa:

What’s all this about buying green? I mean how hard can it be?

The easiest method to purchase a green sofa is to walk into a showroom and pick out the one that’s green. It’s simple really. Not blue, red, orange, purple, black, but green. Gosh people just try to make every thing so hard these days.


  1. Is that a black teddy down there near the green sofa?

  2. I think it is a teddy. It must have come off when I threw my green sofa out on the curb.

  3. Is it a casting couch for prostitutes?

  4. A casting couch would imply that protitutes actually have talent Mitzi. Of course we both know that they don't. I think it would be more of a portable office space for prostitutes. A social program of sorts, rehabilitation, and work release.
