Patrick's Photographs:

Patrick was a trifle eccentric. Prone to wearing Victorian get-ups, top hats, smoking pajamas, and spats. He was also a voracious collector who hoarded anything Coca-Cola. His obsession with Coke began well before the current craze and as a result he amassed an enormous emporium. Buy low and sell high was a motto, and it lined his pockets.

He staged the longest running “Going out of Business Sale” in recent history, every other weekend for 25 years. I miss the going out of business sale, it practically furnished my home. I’ve become a yard sale snob and sometimes just do a “drive by” assessment often turning my nose up at the paltry offerings.

Thanks Patrick for boosting my estate sale aesthetic, nothing (furniture wise) interests me anymore unless it’s a true antique. By the way just cause your Mamaw owned it don’t make it antique!

Patrick's Photographs...

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